Tag Archives: media

The New Forms of Arts Participation

Social media has been with us for a decade and it plays a crucial role in our daily life. In the U.S., the majority of arts organizations believe or somewhat believe “social media is worth the time our organization spends on it”, according to Pew Research Center.The survey indicates that the arts organization are using tech tools to engage with patrons and potential audiences in different ways. The data also strongly support the view that social media increases audience participation and allows audiences to have a deeper and a more interactive artistic engagement.

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The New Forms of Arts Participation

Social media has been with us for a decade and it plays a crucial role in the daily life. In the U.S., the majority of arts organizations believe or somewhat believe “social media is worth the time our organization spends on it”, according to Pew Research Center. The survey indicates that the arts organization are using the technology tools to engage with patrons and potential audiences in different ways. These data also strongly support the view that social media increases audience participation and allows the audiences to have a deeper and a more interactive artistic engagement.

Continue reading The New Forms of Arts Participation


        More than half of American adults participate in the arts through electronic and digital media. Thus, technology is interested by arts organizations that to use it to communicate and engage their audiences. 99% of arts organizations have their own websites. 97% of them daily use various social media platforms to post photos, sell tickets, accept donation online, maintain their blogs, sell merchandise, and even host webinars or educational or instructional content online. People also more actively participate arts online. Such huge uses of technology affect both positive and negative influences on arts organizations. This project is to discuss the advantage and disadvantage of using digital technology for arts organizations.


Download An Arts Organization?

The info-graphic presented is an introduction to how arts organizations are taking advantage of the ever-growing social media market. Specifically, it focuses on the use of mobile devices and how those are used to create a more inclusive environment for all generations of arts organization visitors. The numbers don’t lie. So many people from all demographics and walks of life are social media active and will use their phones to access this social media. What organizations like museums, theaters, galleries, and concert halls are doing are doing is creating different ways for their content to be viewed and see that people are constantly using these apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat so they are taking advantage of those booming media markets.  Continue reading Download An Arts Organization?